Why I stopped writing to get outside (yes, in February!)

Yesterday I shared a post-Groundhog Day update over at MS Editors, challenging writers to temporarily drop everything and get outside to experience February, whatever that looked like for them. It’s a simple idea, but the mental, physical, and creative boosts really pay off!

I took my own medicine and ran outside after writing the post; I wanted to get into the snow before the driveway was cleared. I had been working from home in comfy shorts, so the lower half of my legs were bare despite coat and boots. I plodded down the driveway, back up the driveway, and around into the yard. The snow on my bare legs was cold—and it HURT! It was a good hurt, though, and I let myself stop and eat the cleanest-looking bit of snow within range. Side note: what’s with our childhood obsession with eating snow? It really doesn’t taste like much…

It’s snowing again today, so February remains a winter wonderland here in Minnesota. What does this month look like where you are? Take a picture. Jot down a poem. Write a story. You can share below in the comments or tweet @ekbuege. Some of the greatest stories come from simply telling each other what we see out the window.

You can read my original post on 5 reasons to stop writing and get outside here.february snow

One Reply to “Why I stopped writing to get outside (yes, in February!)”

  1. Hi Elizabeth,

    I’m glad to see I’m not the only adult who eats snow! I love that idea of making sure to get some air outside while working from home.

    I work from home myself and it’s very tempting to stay inside forever. I am grateful for the reminder.

    Thank you!

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